Colin A. Hanna is President of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a public policy nonprofit committed to promoting Constitutional government, economic freedom, and traditional values. He is also President of Enduring Impact Productions, a film production company currently engaged in developing a feature film for theatrical release on the life of Frederick Douglass.
He served as County Commissioner for Chester County, Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2003. Previously, he was an executive with CBS Radio and Television and a small business owner. Commissioner Hanna has been a guest on MSNBC's Hardball and most of the Fox News Channel programs. He has appeared as a weekly guest on the Chris Stigall Show on WPHT-AM Phila. He hosted Conservative Solutions to Liberal Problems on Salem's WNTP-AM Phila. He is a commentator on American Radio Journal, syndicated to over 200 radio stations, and an op-ed contributor to The Washington Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Hill, Roll Call, Atlanta Journal & Constitution, and National Review Online, among others.
He is a former chairman of the board of Coalitions for America and member of ACU Foundation and CNP Action, Inc. He is a U.S. Navy veteran. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Pricie, live in West Chester, Pennsylvania.