Curt Schroder is a Philadelphia-area attorney who spent his early years witnessing first-hand how there can be abusive and unfair litigation in the court system. During his seventeen years in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Schroder worked to restore fairness to Pennsylvania’s courts.
A tireless advocate of medical malpractice reform, many of the changes to the legal system championed by Schroder resulted in stemming the flow of doctors leaving the state and allowed hospitals to resume providing lifesaving services. Schroder was also an outspoken leader in working towards passage of the hallmark Fair Share Act. This act ensures that a party in a lawsuit does not have to pay out more than that for which they are legally responsible.
As the PCCJR Executive Director, Schroder is a statewide advocate and leader dedicating his years of experience and legal expertise to restoring common sense to our courts and personal responsibility to society. Schroder is committed to a Pennsylvania that has fair laws, fair courts, and a true balance in our legal system.