Joshua C. Robertson is the Senior Pastor of The Rock Church of Harrisburg, PA. Along with his wife Shaniqua Robertson, he established The Rock Church. As the Senior Pastor of the church, the church has been successful in her mission to evangelize the lost, equip the believer, and empower the disciple, to the Glory of GOD.
He earned a bachelor’s degree from The University of Minnesota in 2011. In 2021, he earned his master’s degree in Theology from Evangelical Theology Seminary, and aspires to continue his education plight at the Ph.D. level.
The Rock City Learning Center was founded by Pastor Joshua C. Robertson and The Rock Church; the Learning Center is a safe space for children ages 7-18 to come, focus on their schoolwork, and engage with other likeminded students wanting to reach their full potential. While the Learning Center has historically provided after-school enrichment opportunities, in response to the district’s mandated school closures during the 2019-2020 school year, The Rock City Learning “Pods” were created. At the beginning, students were still enrolled in Harrisburg City School District and utilizing their online learning curriculum. Now, students enroll in a cyber school, and attend the Learning Pods to complete their schoolwork.
Pastor Robertson is the founder and CEO of the Black Pastors United for Education. Black Pastors United for Education is a network of like-minded pastors and congregations that strategically partner to educate under-resourced children in non-traditional learning spaces, as well as advocate to acquire the necessary resources and partnerships that uplift impoverished communities.