
The 2023 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will include a full day of workshops on Thursday, March 30th including a Local Leaders Workshop, School Board Campaign Activism Workshop,  and How the Left Does It: Ballot Out/Ballot In. Friday morning, March 30th workshops include Worldview and the Backfire Effect, Why the ‘Ostrich’ Strategy on Abortion Doesn’t Work, and Parental Empowerment and Gearing up for 2023 School Board Elections

Additional speakers, panels and workshops will be announced over the coming weeks.

The three-day Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premiere gathering of public policy conservatives each year in the Keystone State.  It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists, and activists for two days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops, and networking.

Registration for the 2023 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is NOW OPEN at (Please note we are now using a new registration platform, Cvent. As such the Early Bird discount rate is built into the registration fee so there is no need to enter a discount code as it will be automatically applied. The PLC web site also includes a brief video tutorial to help you navigate the new registration system.)

John Gizzi is Newsmax’s chief political columnist and White House correspondent. He is “the man who knows everyone in Washington” as well as many who hold elected positions and party leadership roles throughout America.  For many years he held a similar position with the venerable conservative publication Human Events.  He has appeared on countless radio and TV shows in America and in Europe.  He is the recipient of the William A. Rusher Award for Journalistic Excellence and was named Journalist of the Year by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Colin A. Hanna is President of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a public policy nonprofit committed to promoting Constitutional government, economic freedom, and traditional values. He is also President of Enduring Impact Productions, a film production company currently engaged in developing a feature film for theatrical release on the life of Frederick Douglass.

He served as County Commissioner for Chester County, Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2003. Previously, he was an executive with CBS Radio and Television and a small business owner. Commissioner Hanna has been a guest on MSNBC's Hardball and most of the Fox News Channel programs. He has appeared as a weekly guest on the Chris Stigall Show on WPHT-AM Phila. He hosted Conservative Solutions to Liberal Problems on Salem's WNTP-AM Phila. He is a commentator on American Radio Journal, syndicated to over 200 radio stations, and an op-ed contributor to The Washington TimesPhiladelphia InquirerThe HillRoll CallAtlanta Journal & Constitution, and National Review Online, among others.

He is a former chairman of the board of Coalitions for America and member of ACU Foundation and CNP Action, Inc. He is a U.S. Navy veteran. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Pricie, live in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and a New York Times bestselling author of nearly 20 books. He is senior director and chief academic fellow at the Institute for Faith & Freedom and former visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Kengor is an internationally recognized authority on (among other topics) Ronald Reagan, the Cold War, communism, socialism, and conservatism.

In 2017, he released what has been described as his “magnum opus,” A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century. Among his bestsellers are the 2012 book, The Communist, and his 2004 classic, God and Ronald Reagan. Several of his books are the basis for major films, including the documentary, The Divine Plan (Robert Orlando, producer), which screened in theaters nationwide in 2019, and the upcoming bio-pic Reagan: The Movie, starring Dennis Quaid and David Henrie. In August 2020, he released his latest The Devil and Karl Marx (TAN Books/St. Benedict Press).

Kengor received his doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and master’s degree from The American University’s School of International Service. He holds an honorary doctorate from Franciscan University. He and his wife, Susan, have eight children, two of which are adopted.

Jeffrey Lord is a NewsMax TV contributor, columnist, and author.    He is a contributing editor to The American Spectator magazine, writing as well for the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters blog. He has also been a guest host on the Sean Hannity radio show, and is the host of “The Word of the Lord With Jeffrey Lord” podcast. His website is The Jeffrey

After graduating from Franklin & Marshall College in 1973, he began his career on the staff of the Pennsylvania State Senate Republican Leaders Richard Frame and Henry Hager, then moved to Washington to work for Pennsylvania Congressman Bud Shuster, Pennsylvania U.S. Senator John Heinz, Reagan-Bush campaign co-chair Drew Lewis and as a White House Associate Political Director for President Ronald Reagan. In the George H.W. Bush administration he worked for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp. He lives in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania in suburban Harrisburg. 

He is the author of three books: “The Borking Rebellion: The Untold True Story of How a Bipartisan Group of Pennsylvania Women Attorneys Took on the Entire U.S. Senate Judicial Confirmation Process—and Won”, “What America Needs: The Case for Trump” and Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and the New American Populis.